The elder publisher privilege goes out the door when the information is shared with outsiders. Like a lawyer defending a criminal telling everyone what they know. At one time dub lawyers had to avoid criminal cases lest they became blood guilty. Same for these elders.
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
by Annamouse inbit of background: a couple of years ago i was reproved after i slept with a brother that i was in love with but we were not married.
in fairness, the elders were kind and supportive.
the problem is, i had always been the model witness before that.
road to nowhere
Clothing can restrict breathing depending on how tight it is. Access for a defibrillator ,ekg , minimum moving limbs as they dont know if there are other injuries.
The hoops to jump through for marriage are ridiculous at times. I can at least ve glad my wife and I just eased into a relationship.
Remember a final solution to a temporary problem doesnt work.
Field service shit show
by solomon ini just got back from field service.
i haven’t been out in a few months so now we don’t keep any written records and we don’t know which houses are do not calls.
i also noticed i was the only one with a book bag.
road to nowhere
I am pretty good at rounding up myself. One hour of actually ringing a doorbell to see if anyone is home ( rarely) fills from 7:30 to noon of time spent.
Disfellowshipped JW's Still Have "Normal Family Relations"
by Sea Breeze in"when someone is disfellowshipped from the religion, normal family relations continue, with the exception of spiritual fellowship.”a watchtower lawyer clears up this common misunderstanding:. .
road to nowhere
Play the clips from the convention where the phone is not answered and the like
by punkofnice ina jobo i know has cancer.
her son goes and cleans her house and generally cares for her.
so does another non-jobo relative.. the congregation, interestingly, has shown very little support apart from the odd one rabbiting on about 'bible promises this and that'.. so, the co visited and said, 'but your son is an apostate(tm).
road to nowhere
Family business. PERIOD
i was just told that my end of life directive should list an elder I hardly know over pimo and df children.
As for the congregation arranging help; even the well meaning are not competent always. Some talk endlessly, want to read or watch videos for encouragement, try home remedies, and have no idea how vulnerable to injury frail people are. Things like helping them up by pulling on an arm.
If you're "anointed" don't seek out other "anointed" so says the Watchtower January 2020
by RolRod inwhen i was affiliated with the witnesses, there were barely 6,000 who profess to be of the anointed remnant.
i recently read somewhere that today there are over 20,000 who profess to be anointed.
that figure may be more when you consider those who meet and partake privately for fear of the stigma of claiming to be anointed.
road to nowhere
More to keep divisions from the congregation. The society has a set structure ( be it flawed) that breaks down with this sort of thing.
You apparently have never met any of these fruitcakes. They see visions, speak in tongues, all sorts of things that make even we skeptics flinch
road to nowhere
They just had a special video at midweek where dad turned off the tv. So a lot are not watching
the FULL EPISODE 'The Witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 US Oxygen
by NRKoppe inthe full episode 'the witnesses,' from 🇺🇸 us oxygen(viewable from 🧶 outside of the us!
road to nowhere
Apostate truths? Cant watch with wife here
Mag List of TTT
by dydeonwl in
sigh... all those jw's hammering and bragging about the nr1 and nr2 position and attacking people that disagree... they are so loving.
road to nowhere
Is there an ignore feature on here?
If you're "anointed" don't seek out other "anointed" so says the Watchtower January 2020
by RolRod inwhen i was affiliated with the witnesses, there were barely 6,000 who profess to be of the anointed remnant.
i recently read somewhere that today there are over 20,000 who profess to be anointed.
that figure may be more when you consider those who meet and partake privately for fear of the stigma of claiming to be anointed.
road to nowhere
We used to have them. Specialer in a different way than the GB. They would get together snd talk about going to heaven and what it would be like. Some recruited. I think one woman was having visions.
One of the yoyos approached an old "real" annointed to shake her hand and be special. She shut him right down.
Going on the tenuous assumption the annointed story is correct, the WT is right to squelch these.
Of course we do have a " real" one whose big brother is going to teach him how to ride a horse and kill people